2009-06-08 07:43:07 UTC
I have complained to the post service about this and they do not take it seriously. I live in a small village and there are a lot of elderly residents, I suppose things go missing from their post too.
Its so infuriating, what makes thing worse is that she comes at 3pm weekdays, I always make sure I am up early and my gate is open when I am expecting packages. Weekends, when we want a lie in, she calls at 7am!
Today I was expecting a parcel, My gate was open and I have a post box on the back of my gate for days when the gate is locked.
As usual she called at 3pm.
She left a "attempted delivery" note saying the package was too big for my letter box and left the note in the post box on my gate, My gate was wide open!!!! I don't see why she couldn't just walk a further 2 foot to my front door and knock!!
Now I have to drive 10 miles to the nearest post depo to collect my package, which I assume probably wont be there as usual.
Does anyone else have this or similar problem, what do you do?
Also does anyone have any nice post men or ladies?
Thanks xxx