-Make sure your work area features several "in process" projects (binders of important proposals open next to you, reports with highlighting on them, etc.).
-Have several of the applications you're "supposed" to use open on your computer. Outlook is a good one: several unread "attn: marketing ideas" messages, or several people's calendars open, etc.
-Place a pencil or pen behind your ear to give the impression that you are writing down so much important information that if it were possible, your hand itself would be a writing instrument. Remember, if your boss walks by your desk on the left side, place the pencil behind your left ear or the effect is lost.
Industry magazines are your friend. Get as many as you can and make a show of marking pages with sticky notes "to read later." Stick a paperback or other rag inside and you can read away at your desk.
-Take bathroom breaks (men should sit down when possible). You can get paid to spend 40 minutes sitting down reading the funnies.
-Don't limit yourself to calls of nature; the bathroom is a great place to catch up on personal hygiene.
-Brushing your teeth there in the morning buys you an extra 10 minutes of sleep at home. Brush your teeth after every cup of coffee and you can eat up 30-40 minutes, plus your teeth will look great.
-Visit friends in different departments, leaving your workspace very "busy" looking.
-Tell the person next to you that you are going to "double check something with someone from a different department" but what you're really doing is providing yourself with an excuse if your boss wonders where you were for an hour. "Oh, didn't
tell you? I wanted to double check and make sure both of our departments were on the same page about the new ad campaign, I know it's an important issue and I would hate to have any mix-ups." Your boss will appreciate your ability to pay attention to details but what you're really doing is... well, you know...
-If you're in a job that requires you to make a quota on phone calls per day/week/month, call up Dell/Gateway/local computer shop and just let them put you on hold for 20 minutes before hanging up.
-You're eating up your time and on the computer that tracks call time it appears as if you're busy pushing clients to buy.
-You can browse websites while on hold, and tell your boss when he walks by: "I'm on hold, I've been on the phone for 20 minutes with this guy and he had to run to the bathroom, I'm close to a sale".
-Create meetings in Outlook with realistic sounding names.
-These can buy you an hour at a time, and if your boss asks, you can say you went all the way to the meeting and noone showed, so you just worked on some "paperwork" since you had the conference room.
-Next time you install a program, take a screenshot with the "installing" window. Make it your wallpaper when you need to leave the office.
-Always, always have a back up. Carry a document you might have been reading with you, best if it's a "long term project" that you can convincingly say you were finally getting to.